
Monster!HetaliaXReader ~Request ~ Part II

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You bolted upright, a painful gulp of air in the back of your throat.  

Looking around, you were still on the sofa as before.  The plastic squeaked as you shifted your weight, swinging your legs over the side, knocking the knitted blanket onto the grubby floor.

The light from overhead was harsh on your eyes, and you snapped them shut in hope to lessen the pain it was inflicting.  You felt almost as bad as a frat boy after all-night keg party.  

Did you really see those things, or was it your imagination?  You were still a little exhausted from the plane flight here, and maybe that fast food burger gave you the wacky dream.  

But the side of your head throbbed like you had taken a fall.  Rubbing the side proved a good knot had formed.  If you had been outside, how did you get back in here and on the couch?  

You rested your hands on your knees, and drew in a deep breath.  The wetness that you felt under hand, made you open your eyes and look down.  Your jean’s knees were dirty and damp.  Had you in fact been outside and fallen?  There was no other explanation to why you would have wet grass stains hinted with mud.  

“Get a hold yourself, (f/n),” you muttered, gently snapping the side of your face.  

It was this place!  It was eating way at your rational side like a parasitic creature.  You just don’t move into a creepy, old mansion on a hill adjacent to a graveyard, and not be freaked out!

Pulling yourself to your feet, you found your legs burned, aching right into your calves.  The dull sting in your hands could be felt now too.  Turning your hands over showed they were soiled as well, just as your memory served, you had fallen onto your hands too.  

Maybe it wasn’t just your mind that was playing tricks on you.  

There had to be an explanation.  There were justification in the movies, books,…

“Bark!  Bark!”  

Looking around the parlor, you didn’t see a dog.  But you sure could hear one.

It would have been nice for that lawyer, Mr. Arcos to let you know that you would have to take care of a dog.  But he did say all the contents of the house.  Was it friendly?  Was it big? Was it…

The heavy rhythm of paws hit the marble floor echoed behind you.  You turned, your eye twitched at the glistening, sizable canine incisors that caught the light from above.

“Oh, my…” you bit the inside of your cheek to stop from screaming, even if your bottom lip trembled.  

The tail on the large beast slowly wagged.  

“Nice doggy.” You took a step back, landing back onto the sofa.  “Please, don’t kill me.”  

It tilted its head to the side, and dropped the stick in its mouth.  

This had to be the largest German Shepherd you’d ever seen!  Maybe this was what that lawyer had meant by the ‘unusual’?  But a dog that was above average size didn’t really constitute for the paranormal.  

The striking blue eyes, stared at you then at the stick.  

You too looked at the stick then back at the dog that was still locking eyes with you.  You were slack jawed to say the least, but to see the creature didn’t want to maul you was relieving.  

“You want me to throw the stick?”  You asked, pointing to yourself.  You didn’t know what you were waiting for; the thing wasn’t going to answer you.  

You stood on unsteady legs.  The creature picked up the stick and hurried to the front door that was ajar.  Using its weight, the dog pushed the door open, letting himself out.  You followed, cautiously looking around the estate that was empty.   Of course it was empty!  Monsters aren’t real!  


The stick was placing at your feet.  Slowly bending over, you took the item in your hand that was almost the length of your arm. The blondish dog lowered itself, watching that precious treasure in your hand.   Taking aim, you tossed it as far as you could.

The beast made a mad dash towards the stick. Retrieving it, it trotted back over, dropping it once more at your feet.  

You patted the dog’s head, and smiled.  Running your hand down his head, you felt a leather collar hidden by its thick fur.  Kneeling in front of the animal, you examined the collar, finding a metal tag.  

Pushing his fur to the side, you tilted the tag towards the still bright moon.  Just one word was etched into the metal; Ludwig.  

“Your name is Ludwig then?”  You stood back up.  “You must have been Uncle Igor’s dog.”  

If you hadn’t known better, you could have sworn you saw Ludwig frown at the mention of your dead uncle.  

Something else barked in the distance, causing Ludwig’s ear to perk up.  He turned and charged into the dark brushwood.  

You weren’t about to chase after him, even if your nerves had settled down.  Within moments, you had convinced yourself it was nothing more than a dream, caused by the flight and burger.  Even if you couldn’t explain the fact your palms and knees were stained.  

But it was better than trying to wrap your head around the fact that were in a house full of monsters!

Monsters!?  Come on!  What kinda crazy person would believe that?    

The bushes rustled, causing you to clench your fists tightly.  But it was only Ludwig, followed by another dog.

“You brought a friend?”  You patted your leg and the other dog hurried over to you.  It was a large white poodle with wild, silver hair sticking up on its head, in fact its fur was wild and it looked as if it needed a good trim.  “You’ve got a collar too?”  You knelt down again, pulling the collar around until you found the same metal medallion.  “Gilbert.”   His rough tongue found your cheek.  

At least these dogs were friendly, and could give you some companionship up on the hill.  Maybe being in this house wouldn’t be so scary.  

Walking back in, it was still quiet, other than the pitter-patter of the two dogs that followed behind you.  But you still waited for Dracula to pop out from one of the dark corners or a mummy to chase you across the veranda, into the graveyard and down into town.  

But nothing like that was going to happen, you hoped.  

Peering into the kitchen didn’t show a zombie feasting upon on anyone’s brains.  Nothing but the same kitchen from earlier, but maybe it was time to find that wine from earlier to ‘relax’ you.  

Okay, maybe not relax.  Get you so sloshed, that you were too intoxicated to be scared.  

Plans like that always went over so well!  

Gilbert and Ludwig sat down on the floor of the kitchen watching you as you searched the kitchen.  

“Are you two hungry?”  You turned from looking thru all the bottom cabinets.  “I bet you haven’t eaten anything.”   You hadn’t found any cans of dog food and you didn’t see any bags of kibble.  There was a pantry in the corner, but you weren’t about to go investigate.  

Maybe there was something on the higher shelves?  

“What the hell?”  You pulled out a beaker.  

It was just like the ones from high school science class.  You remember the one with that teacher with wild eyebrows that spouted everywhere, and had that cup on his desk you knew had booze in it.  Maybe your dearly departed Uncle Igor was a crazy scientist of some sort.  

But behind the lab kit that was in the cupboard was what you were looking for, the wine glasses.  Taking one of the glasses out, you placed it on the kitchen counter nearest you as you searched the fridge.

Shifting the food around, you finally found something marked ‘Gilbert’ and ‘Ludwig’.  At least you didn’t have to worry about the dogs going hungry.  

Pulling the top off the Tupperware, it certainly wasn’t dog food.  It was wurst, sauerkraut, and potatoes.  You figured if your Uncle Igor had been feeding them this stuff, it must be safe, even if dogs shouldn’t eat table scraps.  Of course this didn’t look like scraps, it looked really good.  

“Here ya go,” you said, sitting the dishes on the floor.  “Eat up, boys.”  

They didn’t wait for a second invitation and dug in.  

Now back to what you wanted.  Yanking out one of the bottles marked ‘Francis’, you turned, ready to pour yourself a hearty glass of fine wine.  Holding the bottle back, you examined to find something to give you a hint to where it came from, but there was nothing.  

Popping the top off, you took a whiff of what was in the bottle.  It certainly didn’t smell like wine.  It was coppery and bitter.  That boxed wine even gave off a better bouquet then this stuff.  

Maybe it tasted better then it smelled.  

“Where’s the glass?”  You looked down to the bare counter top.  Looking around the glass sat at the opposite end of the counter, you certainly hadn’t put it there, had you?  Walking over to the glass, you got ready to pour.  


The red wine sloshed onto the counter, as the bark from Gilbert startled you.  You looked around the counter to see that the two were fighting over the last potato, growling lowly, their hair bristled on their backs.  

Looking at the pool of red, you sighed.  No sense leaving a murder-like mess to clean up later.  Turning on the tap, you grabbed a sponge, adding a little soap.  You whipped back around, but the dropped the yellow sponge on the floor.  

The glass was moving across the table!

You swallowed hard on the breath hitched in the back of your throat.  Shutting your eyes, you hoped that you were just imaging the glass moving across by an unseen hand.  Opening them showed the glass had stopped, but it certainly wasn’t where it had been.

“Alright!  Come on, Ludwig and Gilbert.”  You said, turning on your heels.  “Let’s go to bed, because I’m freaked out!”  Walking briskly into the parlor, you grabbed your bag and slung it across your shoulder.  If there was something in the kitchen, you certainly didn’t want to meet it.  

Quickly, you walked up the stairs.  Stopping, you looked at either end of the long, dark hallways.  Gilbert and Ludwig waited behind you.  

“Umm…” you gripped the bag tighter in your hand.  It would definitely be safer to go investigate this house when daylight came, but you didn’t want to stay downstairs on the sofa.  Then again, did you really want to search for a suitable bedroom?

Ludwig must have sensed that you were confused and worried.  He stood next to you, his blue eyes almost saying to follow him.  You nodded, walking slowly behind him.  He stopped at the first door, and pawed at the dark pine door.  Turning the doorknob, you pushed it open, waiting in case something wanted to jump out at you.  

Reaching in, you ran your hand over the wall until you found the light switch.  Thankfully it wasn’t a secret lab with a half-dead body on the slab, just a bedroom.

 Gilbert jumped on the bed, and wagged his puffy, white tail.  

“You act like this is your bedroom,” you rolled your eyes.   Setting your bag on the end of the bed you dug threw it until you finally came across a pair of pajamas.  

Ludwig growled at the red eyed poodle that almost seemed to laugh with some strange wheezing sound.  Gilbert stretched out, and crossed his paws, resting his head.  

Pulling your shirt off over your head, you got the strangest feeling that Gilbert was enjoying the show a little too much.  Slipping your nightshirt on, you fiddled with your bra, taking it off under your shirt.  

He’s just a dog!    

“You better not give me fleas.” You said, changing into your flannel pajama pants.  

Crawling under the sheets, you decided that it might be safer to sleep with the lights on.  

Good choice…or maybe not….


“You’re so warm,” something spoke and nuzzled into your chest.  “I can’t remember the last time I had a snuggle buddy.”

“Holy crap!”  You screamed.  Then preceded to claw, bite, and fling your arms wildly to break free of the man that was currently snuggling you.  

“Ouch!”  The silvery haired albino gripped his nose that was punched fairly hard by you.  “What the hell was that for!?”  

“W-who are you?” you asked, grabbing the lamp off the end table.  “Tell me now!  Or I’ll break…”

The lamp was yanked from your hands and carefully sat back on the table.  

“Be careful, (f/n).  That’s an original.”  

“Who are you?”  You pinned yourself against the wall, staring at the large, blond German with his arms that slowly crossed.  His blue eyes locked with yours.  “Ludwig?”   Your eyes shifted to the leather collar around his neck.  

“Mein Gott!”  The albino removed his hand, looking at the blood that pooled in his hand.  “I think she broke my nose!”  

“Didn’t I tell you not to ‘snuggle’ her?”  Ludwig asked, his voice sounding more irritated by the minute.  “You deserved it, Gilbert.”  

Looking over, a trickle of blood ran from the man’s nose that sat crossed legged on the bed; you noticed the collar around his neck too.  Also the fact, he was completely stark naked!  

“What is going on here?”  You asked, itching towards the door.  

“I would like to know the sssame thing?”  

You took a step back, and tripped on something behind you.  Trying to find your bearings, you noticed the same large and scaly tail from earlier, rhythmically tapping on the floor.    

Oh, man!  What the hell was going on?  And why in the world was a German snuggling you?

“Actually, I’m Prussian!”  

Yeah, this wasn’t good…
You handled that well....

~Mein Schticky Friend~ :)

Nothing to say, I felt like it dragged...oh, well.

I don't own Hetalia.
I still suck at grammar and spelling - so sorry!

Haven't read part one? You wanted too? Are you crazy? [link] There, don't say I've never done anything for you!

link to three [link]
© 2013 - 2024 GizmoJax
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girlgunner's avatar
I'm guessing that was Matthew who moved the glass? Not sure if he's the Invisible Man or a ghost, though.